Why do we exist?

We exist to create a sense of community at Dougherty Valley High School in order to make everyone feel safe and welcome on campus.

How do we behave?

We behave in a way that demonstrates an awareness of the responsibility and trust that has been placed on us by DVHS. We support staff members, our peers and our community while treating everyone with respect and kindness.

What do we do?

In Leadership we work as one cohesive team, not a collection of individuals. In class, we communicate effectively and continually search for ways to be productive, even if it’s outside of our specific job description. Outside of the classroom we promote all events, solicit feedback from students and staff, and do our best to implement their feedback.

How will we succeed?  

We will succeed by allowing space for failure in the class, clearly defining objectives in the beginning of the year and continually reflecting on said objectives, and overcoming obstacles with vision and resilience.

What is most important, right now?

We don’t uphold tradition for the sake of tradition. We evaluate what our class’ most important goal is during a given time period to prioritize our goals with the DVHS community’s best interest in mind. We also assess our specific team’s goals and adjust objectives on a regular basis.

Who must do what?

Each leadership student has two jobs; their designated team and completing team-specific tasks. Individually, teams are responsible for their specific area of focus, but collectively each team works together to help accomplish our class’ goals.