3rd PerioD

Gannon Gage

Gannon is truly goated with the sauce. He probably plays more than enough video games, and when he isn’t, he’s hanging out with friends, reading, or playing his trumpet. He dreams that one day he will become the president of the world.

Aadya Makam

“i can’t think of anything so pretend this is interesting”

Tanya Grewal

Tanya is a very positive and extroverted person. She enjoys dancing, martial arts, and most importantly spending time with her family and friends. She’s always there for those around her and is a very caring person.

Mahek Mehrotra

Mahek loves to listen to music especially Yeat. You can always catch her with AirPods in no matter what time or day it is. She enjoys going on shopping sprees with her sister and her favorite store is Zara.