3rd Period

Campus Life strives to recognize all 3000 students on campus to ultimately foster a healthy campus environment.

Vivek Sudarshan

I’m Vivek! My hobbies include skating, guitar, and driving. I worked very hard on this bio!

Ananya Anil

Ananya loves listening to music, hanging out with friends, her dog, louis tomlinson, and criminal minds

Alyssa Yee

Alyssa is a sophomore at DVHS. While Alyssa most of the time is busy, when she does have free time she likes to spend it with her friends. If you ever see her she’s most likely eating some sort of unhealthy food. This upcoming year Alyssa will be participating in the DVHS cheer and soccer team.

Aria Kumar

This is Aria’s fourth year of leadership and second year of Campus Life! In her spare time, Aria enjoys listening to music, theatre, design and volunteering. She is always happy to help out and make some friends :)

Bhavana Maram

Bhavana’s hobbies consist of playing the piano, listening to music, and building robots. She loves spending time with her family and friends as well as trying new food.

Allison Fujikawa

allie likes softball, music, and drives with friends <3

Isabelle Lam

Isabelle is a frank ocean enthusiast! she loves sushi, hanging out with her friends, and most of all spotify premium :) (follow her spotify @isabelle.s.lam)